Sunday, March 22, 2009

so many things happening all at once.

In the last week, it seemed like everything was just about right with the world. I have an awesome girlfriend who I can chill with and be around with and fall in love with over and over again. Last Tuesday I reunited w/ Sami, someone who I haven't seen or spoken to in MONTHS, and became good friends w/ Sami's best friend Liz. Liz is awesome, and I'm glad Sami and I are talking again. And, even though this may sound a tad bit negative, I finally let go of someone who I couldn't be friends with anymore. Sure, there was drama behind it, but the deed had to be done. I couldn't waste my time and energy on this person anymore.

And even today, it seemed like everything was right. Rock and Roll Revival Rehearsal went well, the actual worship service itself went well w/ me at the helm, leading the congregation in church. But then I got questioned on some things...

In a private church meeting w/ a few individuals, I was confronted about my dual lifestyle. You know, the holy roller inside the church, the rockstar outside the church. Yep, word came up to church leadership that I haven't been so godly. And that this would be an embarrassment to everyone involved if my church leadership was affected by the way I lead my life outside of it. So, I was asked on the spot to wake up and fully recommit. I said I honestly couldn't do it at this time. They suggest I take a break and sort things out...even though I was hoping they force me to resign (that would be a much better option). Problem is, they can't afford to lose me as a member.

Anyway, I tell my mom about this. She isn't too happy, but she told me to also take a break and lay low. So...

I sent out an email to some of the church folk, telling them I was basically stepping down from my church leadership positions for personal reasons.

To be honest, I'm glad that everything is out in the open. I knew this was gonna eventually happen. Just goes to show I'm just a human being, and not some super utility guy, like I was expected to be.

BTW, I still think I have my life in order.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Catching up.

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Good morning everyone! I woke up this morning to my girlfriend's text messages, and I couldn't go back to bed since. So I'm up and at em, not being cognizant of the fact that the clocks changed. No worries, I slept through it. Thanks Boo for getting me to bed early Saturday night.

Here's how last week went.

Monday was apparently a snow day...for schools and colleges, not for the financial markets. I schlepped it to work in the snow and slush and all that wintry jazz. I even schlepped it to lunch w/ Dana, even though she was still way too full from our Tex-Mex dinner the night before. The salads were yum-o! After work, I hit the gym to burn off some of the excessive calories consumed during the Foodie Weekend w/ Danaboo.

Tuesday, Dana and I took advantage of the $2 margaritas at the Cubbyhole after work. Holla!

Wednesday, Dana and I separated to do our own thing (shocker!). I went to Highline Ballroom to catch Keaton Simons, Pat McGee and Tyrone Wells. All three of them are accomplished musicians and songwriters and know how to put on a show. And while it sucked that there were tables on the GA floor, it was great to catch up w/ some of the concert crew and update them on my life, all the while rocking out front and center! Once the show ended, I bolted out to meet up w/ a couple of other friends who was at a Green River Ordinance show. Afterwards, I was entertained by some drunk girl who apparently lost just about every essential item she needed.

Thursday, Dana and I hit up the Cubbyhole and then we lucked out in getting seats to the Watchmen. Unfortunately, Dana couldn't follow the plot all too well, and so it was an early exit for us and we hit up my usual "stumbling home" diner.

Friday, Dana went home and I went to see Justin Nozuka. Made some new friends, and enjoyed yet another great set from a singer/songwriter who knows how to infuse acoustic folk w/ soul and elements of rock.

Anyway, yeah. Dana and I are inseparable. :)

Monday, March 2, 2009

The Weekend Review!

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I'm sure Dana's heart has plenty of color and such. I was in a bit of a rush, so it's a rather crude drawing. Sorry Boo.

Basically, it was a Dana/Riz kinda weekend, and I couldn't have asked for anything else, and I couldn't have asked for a better person to be around (we all know that by now). If we had to isolate any of the moments from the weekend, it would be those moments where we gained weight and became foodies (thanks Boo, I now have to hit the treadmill on Monday). But just to give you an idea of what we did...

Friday night, we hit up Room Service, a place in Chelsea I've come to know and love. Dana took my lead w/ the food and fell in love instantly. We both shared the coconut calamari tempura and then we each had the Room Service Pad Thai, which is not your basic run-of-the-mill Pad Thai (which apparently got Americanized). Yes, it has noodles and has those same tasty spices that would normally be in a Pad Thai, but it's overloaded w/ seafood, like shrimp, scallops, calamari, and even oysters. But here's what makes the Room Service Pad Thai very's all wrapped in an egg white. Yep, an egg white. Sooooooooooo yummy!

(this is where we wished we whipped out the camera for that dish)

Saturday night, Dana didn't wanna walk too far from the Cubbyhole, so we hit up a tiny bistro across the street called Cafe Cluny. Little did either of us know at the time how good the food would be. We both started off with the Organic Salmon Tartare, which was TO DIE FOR...


From there, Dana had the Coq Au Vin, which I thought was divine when I had her one bite (she fell in love with and was taken aback).

And I had the Braised Short Ribs w/ Foie Gras (for those not too familiar, foie gras = duck liver). I basically deconstructed the dish, first going after the foie gras, which melted in my mouth, and then picked away on the short rib, which also melted in my mouth. both parts of the dish were full of flavor and exploded in my mouth like it was the 4th of July (or my birthday weekend, I'm sure Dana would vote for my birthday weekend). Dana also fell in love w/ my dish when she took a bite of both parts of the dish, and was taken aback even more.


We both had our dinners w/ a Cote du Rhone, a nice red wine that's both bold and sweet, but neither attribute overpowering the other. A nice balance.

Anyhoo, for dinner, Dana went after the Dark Chocolate Torte w/ mascarpone, which is really good if you love love love chocolate...


I went for the Brown Butter Pecan Tart w/ Maple Bourbon Ice Cream. It reminded Dana of a cookie her mom made, just only WAY BETTER.

So far 2 for 2.

Sunday night, we simplified it w/ some tex-mex goodness at Blockheads in Midtown East. Burritos and margaritas seemed to be the perfect way to end an awesome weekend. Oh yeah, and this drink.


Of course, I'll just keep it short about this, but yes. Dana and I are starting to get serious. I've told my friends; she's told her friends. And I don't think we're gonna let go anytime soon.
