Monday, June 29, 2009

oh wow, half of 2009 is just about OVER.

Wow, it has been quite a year thus far, and we haven't gone through Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas! I feel as though The Riz Experience took off on a much different level since The Rock Boat Niner. So, let's recap.

The Rock Boat Niner was an amazing getaway from my reality. A concert whore's dream. Being stuck on a boat w/ 30+ acts, rocking out and getting crazy at all hours of the day...I mean, really, it can't get better than that! And to be w/ other music lovers makes it better! I made some awesome new friends, and hopefully they'll all be back for Rock Boat X!

Another major highlight was the one thing I couldn't stop talking about, and I think it made my friends puke. And that was the fact that I entered into a relationship. For anyone that's known me over the years, when I fall in love, I fall HARD. I met an amazing girl the night of my birthday, and after trying to find ways to see each other, we took the plunge in the back of a cab after a night of drinking and said we were dating. For a little over a month she was an amazing girlfriend, and believe me, I cherished each and every single day we were together. I know she's happier in her current relationship right now, and all I can do is wish her all the happiness she desires. As for me, I'll be alright. I can go back to being the troublemaker that I am. Or be that guy that makes things happen. And yes, I'm still getting into my share of trouble.

One highlight from the year thus far that should also be noted is that I've expanded my Inner Circle of friends. The people in my Inner Circle are those I trust my life with and talk to about anything. And thanks to them, I'm becoming much more of a social butterfly now than I have been in the past. My social calendar gets filled up rather quickly, and it's not just shows now (even though the shows thus far have been AMAZING, and yes, I still take that damn Bolt Bus to DC and back). It's also my Tuesday Sessions, my Saturday Sessions, my LES Sessions, and it goes on and on.

Oh yeah, I love Citi Field. LET'S GO METS!

My church life, you ask? Well, someone called me out for my outside activities, which prompted a meeting, which prompted me to actually take a sabbatical from everything. That was fine. I was free to enter and leave as I pleased. I did somewhat come back, but I still do my vanishing act once Sunday Service is over. I've taken a liking to NOT LEAVING THE CITY.

Work? Well, I still have a job. Thank God.

I think that's the first half of 2009 in a nutshell. Where did the time go, really?

1 comment:

  1. I agree. It's been a sad season so far. If we can only go back in time...
