Monday, April 27, 2009

Back to Basics.

Lord knows you deserve better
But she deserves no less than the best that you can offer up
You deserve better
But what becomes of you when the best has left and gone and slipped away
--"Better," Honor By August

I finally decided I needed to seek closure and move on from what I consider a really awesome relationship. She's happy where's she at right now, and I can't stay stuck at neutral. Life has to continue, one way or another. So I've decided to go back to doing what I've been doing all along, and that is to lead The Fabulous Life of Riz. There are some adjustments that I've made in terms of what I believe and how I approach things post-relationship, but most of the aspects are pretty much the same as it has been all these years. So here we go. Time to restructure my life!

I will always be about working hard and playing harder. I keep doing what do best on the job, and when the opportunities present themselves, I'll keep having as much fun as possible. I still love how I'll intend to hang out for a couple of hours and end up staying at the same place until about 4 in the morning.

As of recently, I now have two home bars. The Cubbyhole will always be my main home bar, and I will continue to go there (yes, we need to work on bringing back those Saturday Sessions again!) on a regular basis. But I figured I needed another place to hang out at that's closer to home. Saves me some cash on those cab rides and such. Plus, I've become buddies w/ one of the bartenders there and I've started getting to know a few of the regulars. So yeah, two home bars!

When it comes down to love, I'm gonna stick to what works for me: True Love Waits. The best friendships and relationships I've had were ones that just came out of nowhere. Those were the ones where fate plays a crucial role. My last relationship is a perfect example of that. Neither of us expected to be dating each other when we first met, but it clicked, and it worked (at least while it lasted). And every time I chased after someone, it never ends up the way I wanted things to end up. Mostly it'd be some hookup and that would be it. So I'm going back to my no expectations approach to love and let the chips fall where they may! And if my last relationship was any indicator of anything, it goes to show that there is definitely someone out there who will come out of the blue to steal my heart and take my breath away. And when that happens, I'll be just as happy, or even happier, than the last time.

So raise your glasses w/ me and help me toast to the comeback of The Riz Experience!

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