Monday, April 13, 2009

I've let go.

It was an awesome run, but it had to end. Dana and I could no longer be in a relationship. Last night, we decided we were better off as friends.

She was my everything. And she found someone she can be whole with. I remember her telling me time and again that she wishes we could have that one element that could really make us whole. But sadly, it wasn't gonna happen.

I'm gonna miss all those times where I can get lost in her arms. I'm gonna miss all the times where we can just be ourselves around each other and it was just ok. I'm gonna miss all those times where we would hold hands at a restaurant and just talk about random things. I'm gonna miss all the times where we talked about long-term plans. I'm gonna miss having my heart stolen.

But I have to move on.

The silver lining is that we're gonna remain buddies and we're gonna continue getting into our brand of trouble. Until I find someone who I can really be emotionally attached to, at least I'll still have Dana to lean on as a cherished close friend.

Thanks for making me a happy person the last 2 months. I still say you're the greatest birthday gift ever. I had no idea how much of an impact you would make in my life when I first met you. So thank you.

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