Thursday, April 16, 2009

kicking ass, taking names, making things happen

SInce going back to the single life, my psyche has ultimately changed back to what it's always been. Kicking ass, taking names, making things happen, rocking it out, working it out. That's the pure essence of The Riz Experience.

I was being way more productive at work this week. I finally figured out some issues I needed to have worked out earlier this month. I was lining trades up for execution and BAM! Done. Things needed to be processed? BAM! Done. I was shooting down things to do like a row of ducks in a pond swimming across.

I did a $2 Margarita Tuesday Session @ The Cubbyhole flying solo for the first time in however many weeks. And I partied it up and rocked it out, in pure Riz fashion! And I stirred a bit of trouble when it was time for bodyshots!

After work today, I started training up for a 3.5 miler I'm doing in June. Right now, I'm 2 minutes slower than my time last year, but if I stick to a constant training schedule, I think I can go sub-35 this year. It helps that I still think about a certain someone when I go hit the treadmill for my run.

Ok, I'll admit. She still motivates me in some way. We texted each other the last couple of days and somehow she always finds that way to make me smile and steal my heart for only a few moments. She wants me to keep that green promise bracelet for the moment. So maybe there is hope.

I was talking to my close friend Julie about all this Sunday night, and she said to look back on the relationship and find the good that came out of it, especially when it's hard for people like Julie and me to find love because we march to the beat of our own drummer. So here's the good that came out of my relationship w/ D: there actually is someone out there who loves me for me, and doesn't care about my inflated ego or my rockstar status or any of that stuff. I know that there is someone like D out there, where I don't have to pull out all the stops to have her heart. And I know that eventually I will find that one person.

Anyway, I'm glad I have many awesome friends who have helped to get me back on my feet since I fully convinced myself that I really am single again. The moment I updated my facebook status Sunday night, there were many people that left me encouraging comments and such. Some of them even commented on my Song O' The Moment - I'm Gonna Find Another You by John Mayer. So if you're reading this friends, thank you.

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