Friday, February 6, 2009

Hi There!

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I did the Xanga thing, I did the LiveJournal thing, and, well, I got bored. But I wanna start blogging again, so here goes nothing.

Don't know who I am? Read the About Me. But then again, a lot of you know me from seeing me at shows or The Rock Boat or you know me by some sort of association.

I actually don't have time to put in a full blog right now, as it's getting late. I just got back from the Matt Wertz / Alternate Routes show at Highline Ballroom (really good show), and I have work in the morning.

But I do have a HUGE blog entry coming down the pipeline. And if the picture suggests anything, then you know what the huge blog entry is about.

Well, off to bed. Nite nite! :)

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